Hemisphere (2023)
Mystery-Drama Set on Space Ship
4 March 2024
This is an independent mystery-drama set in the future on a space ship orbiting Mercury. The ship's crew disappears and a company investigator is sent on board to figure out what happened, abandonment or something more nefarious? As the investigator, played by Paige Rion, discovers more clues the story leads to twists and surprises. Paige plays the lead with a serious, professional tone which makes her emotional outbursts at the end all the more powerful. Julie Kashmanian plays a crew member who at first seems abrasive but slowly warms up to the investigator and perhaps holds more clues to the situation. Writer-director Chris Maes keeps the story focused on the mystery but also allows for character development among the main leads. The filmmakers are inventive in making the space ship seem real, especially the VFX of the space shots and the fantastic sound design. With a few surprises in the narrative along the way, this is a space journey worth taking.
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