Here's Lucy: Lucy Is N.G. as an R.N. (1974)
Season 6, Episode 17
Lucy The Nurse
4 March 2024
Lucy finds herself caring for Kim with a cold, Harry with torn cartilage in his knee and Mary Jane with two broken hands.

A funny episode, written by the I Love Lucy team of Bob Carroll Jr and Madelyn Davis. Adding to the problem is Kim's cat, also named Harry, who is about to have kittens.

I remember this episode from when it was first broadcast. I especially recall the scene where Mary Jane, with one broken hand, suddenly breaks the other one. Funniest scene is where Lucy is in the kitchen, Mary Jane and Kim are upstairs and Harry in the living room. Mary Jane yells down about things she wants like iced tea and cookies. Harry has relay the message, he finally ends up imitating Mary Jane's screechy voice.
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