It was Good, But It Was Long
2 March 2024
Dune 2 Review

The following was my first reaction after watching this film...

It was good, but it was long. I mean it was good, it was good. But it was long. Now I'm not saying I didn't like it, it was good ok? But it was long. Did it need to be that long? Well ok it was a really big story so yeah OK it probably needed to be that long. But it was long, man. But it was good. But it was long. I don't know what my final decision is because you know, it was good. But it was long...

I caught someone sitting in front of me checking the time as the film slowly slogged on. Performances were solid all around. The story is well worn. The photography was, well, iconic. But it seemed a little too much on the extreme close ups of faces. My god, the lensing was so tight that in one shot the character's eyes were in focus but his nose was out of focus. On Imax, we can inspect every pore on his skin.

Overall, there was something more exciting about part one, as we are introduced to the setup. Am intriguing world shot in a iconic way. Engaging characters in energetic scenes. I saw the first part twice in the theatre. I have the DVD at home and have watched it again since. I am not so excited about revisiting part two. I guess it's a kind of phenomena like the Matrix. The first film was very appealing because of it's well crafted fantasy world that was exciting to learn about. But by the second movie, it was already kind of been there, done that. I sort of had the same reaction with The Dark Knight Rises after enjoying the bombastic Dark Knight.

Dune as a story is so popular, George Lucas used it as one of his sources for Star Wars. The chosen one template is very familiar, and it takes larger-than-life filmmaking to make it something that stands out. This comes in the form of the depiction of a desert world that has gargantuan flying machines. The domiciles in this world are simple but elegant. The costumes are evocative of ancient religions. The music fit as well as it did in part one.

Appropriately, the second movie is simply titled Part Two. For it is more of the same. So the second outing there is less awe to some degree, and more drama, with shots of very very large heads. I'm not knocking this film in any way. I think perhaps my own short attention span is at fault. As an editor, I wouldn't dare question the wisdom of the people who put this together. It is a service to all fans of this classic story to tell it right. Perhaps if I was the director, I would pick up the pacing of the dialogue just a wee little bit. But I'm sure it wouldn't work as well.

In conclusion, the movie has many good scenes of grandeur, but has more scenes of big faces. Sure, great care was taken to hire some of the most attractive faces available, so that helps. I guess I enjoy rollicking adventures more than slightly sedate adventures like this one. Maybe time will change my attitude about Part Two compared to Part One. But for now I will give it a 7 out of 10.
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