Revisiting Our Inner Child
2 March 2024
There's no stronger bond than a shared experience that grows into a beautiful, lasting personal triumph. Many of us grew up with our own arrays of irrational fears, which came accompanied with a sense of isolation and fear of social ostracization. Dreamworks' animated feature, Orion and the Dark, seeks to not only connect us all to this core theme, but encourages us to reacquaint ourselves with this more fragile, innocent version of ourselves.

This film is built to last. You are introduced to characters whose traits may remind you of yourself, or people you may know. That sense of nostalgia and empathetic understanding is carried into a narrative spun in a funny, creative, unpredictable, and vulnerable web that catches your emotions like leaves on wind. The world around them is constructed intricately by unseen entities who make sense of an otherwise chaotic and confusing world.

It's in this ethos that the true spirit of this film will find you. Whether it's in a line, a moment, a character - you may find yourself saying "hey, that was me!" This combined with a story that masterfully orchestrates a multilayered story with twists and turns you may not see coming, but once the credits roll, reveals itself to be a tale with a big, empathetic heart. An appealing and smooth art style and animation help paint this picture with purity and totality - a world built to pique comfort and curiosity.

Orion and the Dark is for everyone - kids, parents, and grandparents. It's hard to ignore the achievement that is accomplished with such a strong, relatable narrative, and one that has such an important lesson to instill. It's a gentle proclamation to your inner child, who perhaps is feeling the embrace of long awaited peace.
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