It was good, but not great.
1 March 2024
I know this title is already a blasphemy. Sorry. I enjoyed my time watching Dune 2, but i believe Diune 1 being just superior.

I found it tiresome when almost whole movie was filmed with dunes in background. I know it's silly "issue" that plenty of you will scoff at, but the movie lacks the variety of environments/scenes Dune 1 provided. I will, however, nod at the gladiator arena. It was great. Maybe if we had some more "okay lets take out eyes away from sands for a moment" scenes, things would have been better.

Another minor issue of mine is music. There's 1 theme going whenever something important happens and it fits great, but, due to repetition of it, at some point you begin to just phase it out. Diune 1 - remember the scene of Atreides being attacked by Harkonnen and Sardaukars? That scene, that music. It burned into my memory. There's no such thing in Dune 2, unfortunately. There are great scenes in dune 2 for sure, but they lack the 'oompf' feel that music provides.

Plot. There won't be any spoilers. I'd say i am quite focused watcher, but there were few parts i didn't understand. It feels like some scenes were cut, or altered and movie had those few small and jarring stumbles. Flow was disrupted.

Characters. I enjoyed Stilgars performance alot. Lady Jessicas character was uhh, she plays much bigger role here and i was slightly tired of her at some point. I really did not enjoy how they portrayed The Emperor. They couldn't make him more weak willed and no-presence even if they tried.

I'm using kind of simple, yet pretty solid way of scoring a movie. I ask myself few questions: Was I fully entertained? Did i felt the lenght of the movie? And finally: would i watch it again? Entertained I was, i did feel the time of the movie... And i wouldn't watch it again. There's simply nothing for me to return to. Nothing to "re-live" again. What about Dune 1? Oh heck i will watch again!

Either way for me it was a 7/10 which means: Good. Neither great, nor average.
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