The weakest animated shorts program
1 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
IMHO this was an extremely week animated shorts list. None were good looking, well animated or that interesting. None have stayed with me.

The John Lennon one will win because in has a bit of name cache. Yoko will go up to accept and say "If John was here...blah blah blah". It was uber-treacle.

The salmon one, while not nominated, was pointless treacle.

The hijab one was on the list purely for political reasons.

Pig was the best of a bad lot. The technique wasn't used to it's potential.

Pachyderme was...ya know it was so bland nothing stayed with me.

95 Senses tried to mix things up by using different styles through out. It worked as well as an electric dog polisher.

2 out of 10.
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