Who gave this a 10? I almost fell asleep
1 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first installment of Code 8 was okay, I gave it a 6 out of 10. This one is better in the sense of CGI, camera and acting but boy, is the story flat. There is no real connection to the original in terms of story, just similar settings. Again, in this one it seems like everybody has superpowers although it supposed to be only 4% of the population, even the YMCA old Chinese lady has powers, and of-course the corrupted police chief has powers, wow, what a surprise! Give me a break.

Not only that Code 8 part II falls flat, not really exploring any of the characters or their past, it also becomes boring at some point, where I stopped caring about what happens and almost fell asleep. For me that's an immediate sign that this is not actually a good movie. Also kept bothering me why Tarak stole the whole bag of cash? If he is the good person they portray him to be, shouldn't he just take money for a book? Also why kill him? It's not like he uncovered a mystery he didn't know of, they could just hand him over to Garret, his boss.

IMO Code 8 part II is a complete time-waster. If you have 1.5 hours to kill this might be an ok choice, but I cannot really recommend this one, which is a shame because they had a good opportunity to build on top of the original movie and made it worse instead of improving on it. All 3 writers should be ashamed of themselves, in the future don't complain when you're job is replaced by AI.

Exact score: 51 / 100.
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