The Creep (I) (2024)
28 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Creep starts with a man (Cory Espie) putting a shovel back in a truck. It looks like something has gone wrong.

Then, we find two people in bed together talking about how they're both in other relationships and have to choose what they want to do. She claims that she needs more time and he walks out. He's passed by the black man we saw at the beginning who punches her in the face.

Fade out. We come back to a barber shop where we see the man who walked out, Terry, getting his hair done. He asks out Olivia (Kris D'Sha), the woman who did his fade and gossip follows. He makes it to his job as a teacher just in time to break up a fight between two girls.

Terry and Olivia have a date at his house where she cooks. As you can figure, they make out on the couch despite her worrying that they're moving too quickly. The next morning, one of Olivia's customers by the name of Francesca (Tekia Gee) is trying to get details and it turns out that she's a detective. She goes to a crime scene where she finds a body in a field.

Cut to that big guy from the beginning, who has a woman tied up and covered in blood. He's filming her while he screams at her about how women use men. He sings the song we heard when we first saw him, "Ain't No Sunshine" and hits her with a weapon.

Back to the detectives - the partner is Adrian (Fabian) - who are investigating the case. And Terry and Olivia are still dating, as he makes a red pepper pineapple weenie rotini, which she doesn't seem to like. She makes him order a pizza.

When he goes to a teaching conference, he lets his cousin stay there. Olivia visits and hears the young man having vigorous bed olympics and thinks that it's Terry. Meanwhile, the hair stylists take out the detective to celebrate that she graduated. The killer is also drinking at the bar and watches as Olivia arrives in tears. He introduces himself and starts talking to her. It takes seconds before they're kissing on the dance floor and then making love in his apartment.

Speaking as a larger man, thank you The Creep for having a big man be sexual.

Olivia and the Creep end up getting into it pretty quick, dating as fast as it gets, as we see them out and about on multiple dates. He also starts looking through her phone and learns all about her life, including Terry, who gets to explain that it wasn't him that she heard. Now she's trapped inside the Creep's apartment with him having an emotional talk with her, telling her that he doesn't take heartbreak well.

That's when she breaks up with him.

The detective meets the sister of the woman we saw killed earlier and learns that her sister's boyfriend was named Cory and she has a photo of him. Yes, it's The Creep.

I have to call out that Olivia has some of the silliest outfits ever.

We then cut from a romantic dinner to Terry and Olivia making love as the Creep watches and does a five knuckle shuffle on the piss pump.

Also I want to remark how much I love the Greek chorus that is the other hair stylists, Quasha (Dee Hill) and Cortez (Corta Ishman).

The Creep ends up stalking everyone, even at the gym. He's sending valentine hearts, calling the stylists, even watching people work out. Everyone gets together to play Uno and yes, this movie has a long and involved discussion of double Uno rules and then Terry and Olivia get engaged and the Creep leaves a dead bird on the porch.

At their engagement party, Terry's cousin Tony gets jumped by the Creep and shot in the bathroom while the band Chemistry plays. His worried girlfriend says, "Tony must be taking a ****."

This gets even better, because the Creep goes all in on stalking after Olivia reveals that she was cheating and Terry leaves her. He also kidnaps the sister of the woman he killed and goes wild, yelling about Bennigan's.

The ending of this is just as goofy as you would have hoped that it would be, with a comedy baby scene, some dispute over the child's baby daddy and, of course, one more twist. After all, the first person that the Creep took was also sleeping with Terry. The plan was there all along.

Directed by A. D. Scott and written by DeMarcus Bailey and Derek Massey, this was shot for $33,000 in Dallas and is more than 2 hours long for reasons I can only wonder about. Of course I loved it.
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