True Detective (2014– )
An honest review
27 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The grim toxic masculinity of a lot of TD fans has been well publicised and there's a fair few of them leaving reviews here, furious that the leads in this series are two women.

The truth is that although Jodie Foster is a brilliant actor - which we already knew - she can't save this mess.

It's also public knowledge that this was written as a standalone horror series, and the TD elements shoehorned in to make it "part" of the series when it actually isn't. And you can really feel that - tonally it's all over the place, the callbacks to earlier series feel forced and stick out like a sore thumb.

It looks and sounds amazing - there's no problem with the production design - but the pacing is terrible, there's endless filler. Yet another example of a show with 2 hours of plot stretched out into 8 hours of episodes. Please stop doing this.

The story really is beyond belief and makes no sense, the jump scares feel utterly gratuitous and the finale disappointing, abandoning all the horror stuff for a boring ending.

This isn't as bad as series 2 but not as good as 3. And nothing has been as good as series 1.
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