Probably the best part of this Bullwinkle show episode . . .
25 February 2024
. . . Episode--Season 2, Number 32--is called FAN CLUB #1. At one point, Rocket J. Squirrel suggests that each of the club's four members talk about their good deed for that day. Rocky himself pledges to be kind to animals. Bullwinkle says that he hopes this commitment includes moose. Boris Bad-Enough states that he'll only double-cross six people, rather than his usual daily quota of ten victims. When it's the moose's turn to mention a good deed, the scene shifts to a busy street corner, where the lumbering Master of Antlers scoops up an elderly woman and lugs her across the highway. As the purported beneficiary of Bullwinkle's help begins beating on him with her furled umbrella, she explains "I WASN'T trying to cross the street! I was waiting for my bus, which you just made me miss!!"
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