You're My Hero (2023– )
Discriminatory but...
25 February 2024
... to not who you would think. So I started watching this show because the trailer looked really funny, and it is humorous this show. The editing of the show really could use a lot of work however because you lose a lot of the comedic timing unfortunately the editing has to help with that and it's losing a lot of it.

However I will be honest that I only made it to the second episode because midway through the second episode there was some really derogatory terms that were used to describe people. And it's actually Not the people who are physically handicapped. So unfortunately there needs to be more of an education to actually what words are acceptable, there are a lot of new words being used to describe people; which a lot of people haven't learned yet are actually discriminatory-such as these writers. And so it's difficult for me to watch the show because it's got derogatory words and I'm not even going to list them here because they're so inappropriate. I don't recommend this show; if you want to watch a show that's educated completely; because this one is only doing it 99%; and the rest is still very Derogatory. They missed the mark on the education of language when creating this show unfortunately, it's focusing too much on one group of people and not realizing they're actually hurting others.
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