An industry defining mystery.
24 February 2024
"Mission Impossible" is a flawless masterpiece in many ways. The audio is immaculate, with mostly clear dialogue, the cinematography is spectacular... but what really sets this movie apart from other action thrillers is the script. "Mission Impossible" is the living definition of a mystery movie; misleading the crowd and dropping hints to the viewer, "Mission Impossible" demands that its audience pay attention, while making it effortless to do so. A true classic and a testament to what Hollywood can achieve when it wants to produce valuable drama and intriguing storytelling.

"Mission Impossible" is important because it literally defines how to create a proper Spy Thriller. The audience must be given clues, options to consider, be lead astray by red herrings, and, in conclusion, have the drama be resolved clearly and concisely. Unfortunately, most production companies refuse to allow writers and directors this vast amount of detail and leeway in their creations; a tragic drawback to an industry obsessed with monetary gain at all costs, with little to no soul or need to offer human understanding. We, as the consumer, must demand it.
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