Mediocre with a disappointing ending
24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was excited to see this movie. Orlando Bloom and the guy who plays his brother have great chemistry and I enjoyed how they stuck together through thick and thin. And I thought the girl who plays his niece did a great job acting. Overall, pretty much everyone did a great job acting. It's shot well too. The production quality is great. I was enjoying the movie up until the third act, where I feel this movie really fell apart. It seemed like such a missed opportunity to get some satisfying, and revenge style death scenes when Orlando Bloom's character has to finally deal with Andie MacDowell's character. The final shootout everyone suddenly got Storm Trooper aim and none of the death scenes were satisfying. It all just felt off, like the director wasn't sure what the movie was or how to end it. Everyone just felt like they were flailing wildly and shooting at the wind hoping to get lucky enough to hit something and just when you think Orlando is going to bite the dust his daughter appears out of nowhere and saves the day. Then were met a short diatribe by the pastor and a final shot of Orlando Bloom and his niece and the movie ends. I think I understand what the directors and writer was going for, but I just don't think they executed it well. In the end, I just felt disappointed. I don't think this movie is a waste of time, but I do think that you'll forget about it after a few hours.
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