Completely unwilling to step out of its own comfort zone
23 February 2024
I can't remember the last time I watched a movie with as little conflict or drama as 'The Pod Generation'. Did they just think that their concept was so original and interesting that they didn't even need to add a hook of any sort to the script? It's really bizarre to watch. There is nothing at stake in the film. Nothing to look forward to or anticipate or even think about. The film just plods along for 100 minutes of nothingness.

The only thing that saves it from being completely unwatchable is the charisma of its two leads. About all you can really do is sit back and peacefully enjoy their interactions and screen time. If that sounds like a nice time to you, you might just enjoy this film.

'The Pod Generation' is a film completely unwilling to step out of its own comfort zone. The concept is mildly interesting (for the first 15 minutes) and that's about it. A generous 5/10.
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