Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Aged like the finnest of wines!
23 February 2024
This is the best TV show in all of the Star Trek universe. By itself, its a good Sci-Fi. But its not by itself. It has history. And what a way to bring it all together!

I need to say I'm not a 'Star Trek Nerd'. Growing up, it was what 'Dads' were into. It was OK, even pretty good, but not my generation. Frankly I enjoyed Voyager more because it was the least like Star Trek. Voyager was my introduction to the franchise.

So when someone said that Seven was a Captain, I really had to see for myself. Needless to say my mind was blown when I seen her take control of a Borg Cube!

They did a fantastic job bring the band back together!

Season 1 8/10 What a great way to start. The plot is quite relevant to the news were having this last past year and a half. Everyone is talking about AI. AI is everywhere, and it would be weird if Star Trek did not have a spin of it too. All in all, I liked what they did with this! I was hooked and the binge watching was in full force!

Season 2 5/10 Its good where its good but bad where it is bad. Anytime you introduce time travel, nothing matters. The only thing that matters is the start and the end. Everything in the middle can be twisted to all degrees in so many ways and still come to the same conclusion. But to be fair, its a concept that does deserve the attempts to create stories with. I just think they fall short most of the time. In this case, you just roll with it, it does start and ends well.

But that's not the bad. Its like were watching the draft of Season 2 that did not get polished up. There are countless little things that just don't fit well as a good story. I do get at time you have to do something just to move the story along, but this season had dozen of such moments.

The good news, it attempts to go into Jean Luc past and uncover some physiological traumas. But I felt they did some dragging and they never really showed or sold me what did actually happen to his mom. Between this and the amount of screen time Rios got in his side story, and how it ended, I think they could have made this season 7 or 8 shows instead of 10 and been better for it.

Season 3 9/10 Now were cooking with dilithium! The Stage is set, the crew is back together, and we have yet another save the Federation against all odds plot, and they have to do it with the old ship. Nostalgia is all over this season! This one is for the Boomers!

All 3 seasons have that 'end of the story' feel. What I mean is it does not drag out for season after season waiting for the big moment. It starts big and stays big. Its going to be hard to see how they can keep pushing big ideas, but I have little worries about the next couple of seasons. Star Trek Picard is pushing hard at being the best Star Trek has ever made!

All in all when you go back to rewatch it, just skip Season 2 and its a great!

Now the 4th season is not out yet and I have some speculations.

(edit - found out there is no season 4 but Ill leave my thoughts about it as is.)

First, I Jean Luc Picard is aging. All the respects for the legacy he has left behind. Truly legendary in the entirety of TV/Movies. Everyone knows who he is, Star Trek nerd or not. What a guy, and what a roll did he play! Well done!

But I have noticed his vitality diminishing from season 1 to 3. His time is limited and I can tell he is trying to pass his baton to the next. I think that's part of the reason for this show. To leave on a good note. But I fear, and what might be best for season 4 is for him to 'slow down' and not be the main character. Put the emphasis on his son, and of course Seven. Jean should be a guest star to tie up some story bits.

His time is near, and I hope its well planned out where he has his final episode while he still has the vitality to leave the last impression to the world before hes gone. I don't want to see him become that frail old man. He earned his time here on earth, he had a good go, and I want to remember him for what and who he is. Not the dying guy. Please don't push him past his abilities. Yet, I hope hes still a part of this in some way for some time yet.

But who knows what full body scans/AI CGI that will exist long after his time? Who knows, maybe a digital Jean Luc Picard will remain and be in 1000's more TV and movies for the next 100 years?

Maybe in some way, Jean Luc Picard will be the first immortalized human in our history whom will live long and prosper in the hearts and minds of all future Star Trek fans for Generations to come!
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