It could have been better.
22 February 2024
Just watched American Carnage, no not that one, the Diego Hallivis one. I don't know if I wasn't in the right mindset or if the movie just felt rushed to make a point that got lost somewhere in the process. I didn't expect the twist, but everything else was kind of by the numbers. Not scary for a scary movie, the dark humor was too far and few between, and as much as I felt the story was targeted to my demographic, it fell a little flat, and it might have been a budget issue. Especially the ending with sudden cuts and how it just rushes to the credits. Characters are seemingly forgot throughout, things just happen and are under rug swept, and the lighting and cinematography was okay, but nothing grounding this movie in any genre. I'm happy I watched it. I love the main cast, but felt like there could have been more. I think that summarizes my thoughts on this. It had potential but got in it's own way.
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