Owning her history...unnecessarily but in a BIG way
20 February 2024
I wouldn't consider myself a Jennifer super fan but I have to admit that I have mad respect for how hard she works. She is often doing a tv show, an album, dancing her heart out and at the same time raising her kids and being in a relationship. Honestly I don't know where she finds the time. But during all those hours of working she's been looking for that perfect someone to share the fruits of her labors. There's not many women out there that don't feel that, including me. Finding that person and talking yourself into others is a common occurrence with all of us.

Everyone knows she's beautiful & talented. So it's fun to watch her because you have to admit just looking at her is nice. I'm the same age so I totally understand her need to own up to her past and kind of explain her history with men. I wish I could. I don't have people constantly reporting on my life though and discussing it without my input.

So for whatever reason she did this long video, it's not a movie, she did it with style. She showcases her talents, includes her friends and recognizes the fact that everyone can use a little therapy from time to time. I think she's very likely feeling that she is with the one she's supposed to be with and wants to let go of the past in a big way.

The dancing is fabulous with some new moves I haven't seen before, the story was predictable but cute, her music was beautiful, especially Broken Like Me and the visuals were really just over the top fantastic. I would love to see her really let go in her music. It always seems over produced. I know she has a voice. She just needs to belt out a few and see what it feels like.

I turned this on so I could see what it was out of curiosity and I ended up watching the whole thing. Anyone that rates it really low is understandably envious of her talent, money & fame. Is it a bit narcissistic? Yes. But people whose lives are all about entertaining us, have to be narcissistic to a point. So finally, for whatever reasons she did this, she has worked hard enough to be able to have her moment to explain herself because obviously she feels misunderstood. If folks don't appreciate that or don't feel like she's earned this bit of your time, don't watch. But then don't be vicious & mean either. I'm happy for her & Ben. And thankful for all the hours of entertainment I've gotten from both of them.
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