We are all Sarah Connor and Bill Gates is Miles Dyson: what do you do? what do you do?
19 February 2024
More relevant today than ever before, little did we know back when that this film is our destiny. Elite plan this very well the family of criminals have been scheduling this 100 years in advance so that anybody who speaks up would be ridiculed, claiming that they watch too many movies. And some people would rather be wrong and I suddenly while defending their Killers then admits they were duped and face the music and admit that they were wrong and we are right. Ego is a pernicious thing that will destroy them all. The most intelligent of us, who are very well informed and know one's going on, try to warn you but oh well your loss.

So imagine you're Sarah Connor: knowing what we know today, with what they have done to us since 2020 and what they're planning to do to us by 2030, what do you do to escape this fate of fake poison inoculations AKA lethal Injections and global destruction the 'BeeGee' (along with the other crime familiie) has planned and enacted?

This movie says it all, although it is not a perfect movie because some of the fights go on way too long, as action movies tend to do, with the guy coming back to life over and over again, and it becomes overkill; the same with Keanu fighting agent Smith in The Matrix number 2, it is still a great film and of course, a classic. So we'll only deduct one star for that as it mired my enjoyment a bit.

I will always be weirded out by people who can watch a movie over and over again: how do you do that and why waste your time? For me one time is enough once I know what is going to happen 75% of the enjoyment is gone by the 2nd watch, and this movie is no different; the first time watching it, you're inside the film, you are one of the characters and you're fighting for your life, visually speaking, while in your comfy chair; the second time and subsequent times thereafter it is not the same, and so I miss the first watch. There are some iconic scenes here, such as when Sarah Connor is dreaming the Apocalypse and this is what it is awaiting us all, except that the majority of the masses are in complete denial, even though they've watched this but they prefer to blame the Russians for stuff that they are currently guilty of doing in USA, go figure! Best thing I did during the pandemic is learn Russian so now I know that the videos of the president are not properly translated.

The elite criminals planned this very well; this movie goes back 30 years and they already had what's happening to us in the works and what's coming next is the provoked global famines; Look no further than the Canadian truckers or actually do look further to the Belgium Germany France and Netherlands farmers blocking the way to the capitals in protest for their governments trying to off all their cattle and cause famines all across Europe. New Zealand, Australia & USA are next. Of course the sleeping masses like to deny this and they go out of their way with their Stockholm Syndrome to protect their torturers and those who have planned to off them good and proper. All you have to know is that Bill Gates bought off 75% of USA farmland to destroy them all and in 2020 alone they blew up 90% of the meat factories but this never made the news; however the videos were all over X and other alternative platforms online; we all saw them and by we I mean those of us who watch the real news not the garbage that the media is feeding you.

I strongly suggest that if you have read this far that you rewatch this film knowing that the science fiction is now your current reality and I suggest that you educate yourself as to what has happened to the planet since 2020. This was no coincidence and I'm not sure if it is that they are replicating the movies or if it is that they reveal everything to us via science fiction movies but I am inclined to believe the latter. I mean it's only coming out now that the phoney injections were indeed just that! Even the president of the main one came out and said so, but fools will be in denial and be the next one to look over their left shoulder and do the spin of dearh. Now you know.
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