Stillwater (2021)
Confused by the criticisms
18 February 2024
I find it surprising so many people had an issue with the runtime; when did we get to a point where two hours for a drama/thriller character story is considered egregiously long? I'm sorry they couldn't fit it into a YouTube short I guess.

Someone also complained the movie had too many stereotypes like "moped gangs" and "people smoking"...have you been to France? It's notorious for both. But sure if someone smoking in the movie ruined it for you then go off. Just because you see Matt Damon doesn't mean he's playing Jason Bourne so, again, baffled at everyone moaning about how it's a slower paced movie and he doesn't kick ass.

He portrays a father (Bill) who's lost pretty much everything in his life - a wife who committed suicide, a daughter (Allison) imprisoned in Marseille who he flies over periodically for visitation, and he's now also looking for steady work again after the oil rig he worked on shut down. We find out early on that Allison is in jail for the murder of a college friend/lover, she's halfway through a 9-year-sentence and wants her lawyer to look into a lead on a guy who might have been the actual killer. Her lawyer however refuses, citing it sounds like a wild goose chase that is not enough to get the case reopened and Matt Damon is left to try track him down himself.

The movie follows his journey to investigate the lead, as well as try and mend the strained relationship with his daughter while also growing to care deeply for a local woman and daughter who help him (Virginie and Maya).

The acting is all very commendable. Matt Damon naturally portrays the character with the required amount of reserve and desperation you'd expect for someone in his circumstances. Lilou Siavaud who plays 9 year old Maya is a standout in the cast though. The performances will all keep you engaged, and ensure you get invested in the characters.

People seem to dislike the ending for some reason, perhaps that it is not a happy enough resolution but I felt it appropriate for the nature of the story. It's a bittersweet ending and I appreciate when movies take this route, it feels more realistic that not everything will necessarily work out idyllically. There is a small 'twist' but in truth you should be expecting it from some of the dialogue prior.

Damon had an interview where he lamented that with the obsolescence of DVDs, Hollywood has been taken over by big budget CG-fests that are a (perceived) sure-hit, and that studios no longer take a chance on small scale movies with $10-20million budgets that would previously have done well on DVD after the theatre run. This is that exact kind of movie that the 80/90s were littered with but get made far too infrequently today. It's not a blockbuster and won't draw lots of crowds to a theatre, but is still a very enjoyable watch at home with a solid story and solid acting.
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