New Tricks: Fluke of Luck (2005)
Season 2, Episode 7
Really hitting a stride
17 February 2024
What are we up to at this point, 5-6 stellar episodes in a row in Series 2?

Episode opens with Pullman taking dancing lessons. Latin instructor makes a pass. Tell Amanda to turn off her brain and dance from the heart. Be a woman. Let the man be in charge. Pullman doesn't take that too well. And it pays off perfectly at the end. And I mean, perfectly.

In between we get a story about a childhood abduction, a fishing hole, and a guy who got rich desiging (it's implied) psychedelic album covers for British rock bands from the late 60s to the late 70s. Now he owns a massive estate and has invested in fish breeding.

Unlike many episodes from Series 1 or even the Series 2 debut, where the plot gets so far up its own arse you can't follow it without a flow chart, this crime was easy to follow and the villains easy to track. The chemistry among the 4 leads is unmatched.

There are two B plots: Gerry tries to quit smoking, while Alun's wife Esther is worried he's getting obsessed with fishing. Amanda helps them both.

Esther is the heart of this series. She's not just an appendage home-life character. She's a bona fide individual in her own right. Susan Jameson portrays of Esther as somewhat fragile but not weak, resolute but compassionate with her husband. For my money, she is the unsung star of the show.

This episode is also aided by some cinema-level camera and lighting.

The total absence of Anthony Calf as DAC Strickland is a bonus. I think that's 3 episodes in a row where he's only referred to, but not seen. That is an excellent trend, as the character is too much of a pill. They erred in axing Nicholas Day as Bevan.
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