"I ought to take the opportunity to remove my ears."
16 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
With a potential peace agreement between the Romulans and Klingons at stake, Ambassador Spock (Leonard Nimoy) perseveres in trying to make the impossible happen while unseen forces work in an entirely different direction. Having Nimoy on hand for the two-part story that began with the prior episode was a special treat for fans of the original series. He didn't disappoint this viewer both times when he used his famous hallmark phrase, 'Fascinating'. Although accused of 'cowboy diplomacy' for undertaking his mission in secret, the one thing we know about Spock, as did his father Sarek, was that there was no way he would betray the Federation with his clandestine trip to the Romulan Empire. This episode hinged on the behind the scenes manipulation of the Romulan Sela (Denise Crosby), working hand in hand with new Proconsul Neral (Norman Large), to secretly deploy three stolen Klingon vessels with Romulan warriors aboard for a surprise attack on the Klingon home world. Though their own Romulan disguises were discovered early, Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) and Commander Data (Brent Spiner) managed to overcome Sela and Neral to disrupt the attempted attack against the Klingons. The poignant conclusion of the story had Captain Picard suggest a mind meld with Spock so that the Vulcan could understand his father just a bit better, since Sarek's death would no longer offer the opportunity for the father and son to reconcile their fraught relationship.
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