Halo: Visegrad (2024)
Season 2, Episode 3
This episode is for who every time in war zone and never gets rest
15 February 2024
Several foreshadows are revealed, but it's more like a breather, isn't it? This episode isn't centered around Spartan or soldier action, nor is it focused on Master Chief.

It might feel like the story is unnecessarily long and overly explanatory, extending the episode. The action itself is minimal, mostly revolving around events near Sorren's wife in the asteroid belt, so those expecting Master Chief to don his armor and have SF action may be disappointed. Therefore, opinions on this episode may vary.

For me, too, I'm primarily looking for a war movie in the Halo series, so I'm eager for intense combat scenes. However, as a drama series, it's interesting to step back from the continuous combat scenes we've already experienced in the game and delve into storytelling.

For example, even in a nearly three-hour-long grim and intense war movie, I wouldn't deny the scene where soldiers take a break on-site and let loose. It can be quite entertaining. (Although, even off-duty, Master Chief is always worried about war, so if he's recommended the best ramen on-site, he'd still talk about the Covenant. It's honestly a bit worrying mentally!)

Master Chief intuitively argues that Reach is already too late, but the higher-ups don't listen, leading to him becoming somewhat reckless. The elevator scene was funny! This episode, where they're just waiting for the secretive invasion of the Covenant on Reach, could indeed be frustrating. However, I believe there are likely adult constraints and other considerations as it's a drama, so they probably can't always show combat live scenes like on YouTube short films.

Well, in this episode, various side casts' backstories and foreshadows likely to lead to the next are being collected, so I endured the low rating and rated it average with expectations.

By the way, the captain who is trying to show unfamiliar leadership in place of Sorren, the boss of the organization arrested by the informant, is the same person who appears in the drama depicting the conflict between AI and humanity, "Humans"! I'm glad to see him in this role.
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