Tomb Raider I-III Remastered (2024 Video Game)
For me it's the same, so I'm loving it
15 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was reading the reviews on Steam I got the PS5 version by the way, but I love to read reviews and there's so many on there, so good reading. I used the tank controls because I'm just used to them, personally I've been playing 2, 3 and 4 on my PS3 for years, so I know the game by now, nothing I saw or experienced was new to do with how bad the controls are. I was dying a lot exactly the same as on my PS3, had issues running into things, the guns not firing, falling into stuff, Lara not slowing down or stopping in time, pressing two buttons together and nothing happening. I mean it was all in the original games too. So honestly when it comes to that I expected it wholly and got exactly as I expected.

Graphics wise there was some mishaps here and there, nothing too major though. Some backgrounds looked worse than the original ones I'll admit that too. I've spent 2 whole days on it and used the chests so I've seen everything including the DLC's. I like that the cheats still work, hate that the all items in 3 doesn't work but oh well. Floating Islands I'll always prefer the original look. Most stayed very true to their original looks, beasts and stuff have slightly higher textures but look much the same.

Someone said the water looks exactly the same it never differs in colour, that's true, the area around it gets coloured though. Reunion! From TR3 DLC I found the sky lacked substance compared to the original. Highlight of the game is you can press pause to switch between new and old graphics, some areas and lighting looks better in the old vs new.

Traps everywhere, not a review per say just adding that I've died to traps so many times I should call myself the trap legend lol.

I did every level but I didn't finish most of them, when I got bored or annoyed with finding the way to go forward, I skipped to the next level. Used the weapon cheats everywhere. I just don't like bad guns which amp up the difficulty, never was interested in stuff like that, the challenge of it all. Okay maybe as a kid I may have been, personally bad brain fog so who knows. My life as a child is bits and pieces nowadays. However I've always been a cheataholic on games, if there was cheats I was there!

They kept the old audio so starting from TR2 and I'm unsure on 3 as my mind is just gutter trash today, but that meant the water sound is still there and I'm not being crude or anything. But it sounds like the water is talking and saying "warm, titties, black." I noticed this quite sometime ago, few years to be exact and now I can't unhear it, I will never unhear it ever again. So yeah playing anywhere with water was fun!

I think it's just added polish to the original game, hence the ability to switch graphics. So anything that had glitches or issues still has those glitches or issues. T Rex glitch walk for example.

You can't destroy the Floating Islands warriors ahead of time anymore. Must've shot them like 30 times, nothing.

Loved how rainy levels felt with the more realistic rain.

Using the joystick to swim as the d-pad was a nightmare.

Tried the modern controls, trash, changed back immediately.

The static backgrounds didn't bother me, but as mentioned earlier some felt like a step down vs the originals.

There's this wall push thing that happens that I don't remember being a thing before, so I tried to jump up one of the walls like speed runners do and because of this I couldn't do it. Typically that jump is notoriously hard to do, so maybe I was just unlucky, but I really don't remember that being a thing, where it pushes you away from the wall. Had it happen in a previous to that level as well.

Some stuff that's needed for direction is notoriously difficult to see and had to switch graphics to move forward, 40 Fathoms being one of them, the barrels are yellow in the old one, new one they are as dark as the area around you and I'll admit I couldn't find them.

Prefer the old Atlantis wall textures just saying, the scar tissue stuff is better in the new one, but the red muscle strands were better in the original.

The jade in Floating Islands actually adds a green light to your body now vs not before, cool little effect.

Falling from the Islands still gets you a dead on landing sound, even though you wouldn't land on anything.

The explosive effects of the rocket and grenade launchers feel completely out of place, it's supposed to be highly explosive and yet the effect falls very short on realism. Also the new flamethrower fire effect ... nope.

Some areas are super duper dark, had to use a ton of flares or change graphics.

Mud and sand traps don't move anymore, which is a shame. You'll likely run right into it, because it looks solid.

In umm Reunion! The yellow translucent blocks cannot be seen on the new graphics at all, with or without a flare. Change graphics and they mysteriously appear.

Okay I'll end it here for now as I'm fresh out, if I remember anything else I'll just edit.
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