Oh boy...
14 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Oh boy, this episode... I really don't know what to say other than this episode is just really bad and boring. It's also similar to Total Eclipse of the Fart from Total Dramarama, which is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen (that episode is more... fixation heavy, this one isn't nearly as bad). This is the third time I'm trying to post this.

This episode starts off with the main plot of this series coming back (the boys 500 detention visits in one school year), and just like some substances, they can't stop pranking and are up to 497 visits. A bunch of boring exposition junk happens and Krupp is later seen actually growing hair.

The entirety of this first "part" of the episode if you will (counting everything before they make Smartsy Fartsy) is just... so nothing, like more nothing than an average season 1 episode. Also, there's a spray for George's farts that plays as a cutaway a lot during this. The amount of times George farts in this episode is probably over 10, maybe I'll count the amount at same point. When I last binged this show, this episode and the next episode where the only two I genuinely just couldn't watch. Basically, the cutaway is just not funny and makes me a little uncomfortable. I get that this is Captain Underpants but for me... I don't know, this is a little bit too much.

The boys try to avoid pranking but later go to the school superintendent (who is later revealed to be future Melvin, in disguise for convoluted plot reasons) to try and get Krupp fired for writing rules in the rulebook, most of the rest of this episode is the boys trying to get the rulebook from Krupp but obviously can't.

Which leads them to making a talking fart. He's nice at first and actually does stuff with George and Harold like help with pranks and whatnot, but later realizes that the boys are "using him" and that he has no purpose...? It's really strange, I can't make this up.

So Smartsy confronts the boys and they try to reason with him and bring him to Melvin's rip off Ted Talk to show him people like him. Obviously that backfires and now he's out to seek vengeance. I'm laughing writing this, I can't make this sound good. Me just explaining this plot is as weird as the episode is. It's really confusingly dumb and just strange.

Fight scene happens and Captain Underpants inhales the fart, giving him superpowers. So he traps the school in a fart cloud and Captain Underpants goes to try and fan it out. Random stuff happens and he gets a helicopter to fan him away, basically doing the whole "I went to college" act.

The episode ends with them being at 499 visits and leaving the episode on a cliffhanger where a guy comes to talk to Melvin, which is just the superintendent/future Melvin from earlier.

As if that wasn't enough on the stinky sundae. I really don't know what to say. Like I said, I get that this is Captain Underpants but I just can't stand this. The next episode is even weirder, just look at the diggity darn thumbnail! 1/10. This isn't like offensive or anything but it's really really boring and bad. If me just saying the plot didn't do it for you, I don't know what will. Thanks for reading!
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