Betty's Bad Luck in Love (2024 TV Movie)
Overprotective girlfriend
11 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
7.7 stars.

The film begins on two middle schooler best friends named Betty and Mya eating lunch. Betty has a crush on an athletic boy and in her own shy way asks him out. Miraculously, he agrees (with a little help from her offering him cookies). Another girl who has a crush on the same boy places a hex on her swearing that disaster will befall her and every future boyfriend.

We jump forward 20 years, Betty has a successful career as a "number cruncher", or an actuarial analyst for a corporation. She calculates extremely important data for her CEO to make informed decisions on major acquisitions. Her best friend Mya is engaged. Betty and Mya still do everything together. Betty is still under the curse, so every relationship she's had, she feels has been doomed. She has ended them abruptly for fear of disaster happening to each guy.

She finally meets the right man, his name is Alex. He has recently moved into her apartment building. She wishes for this relationship to succeed above all others, because he could be the one. How can she make this work under the shadow of the curse?

There is a total dork at her office who has been hitting on her for a while. He's very similar to her in that he loves to solve equations and talk about probability and statistics and all that, but he's not her type. To the audience, he certainly is a full dweeb. He's short, wears a tie that's 6 inches too short and is out of style, he's very thin, and has a creepy mustache. Their interactions are somewhat humorous.

Her mother calls often attempting to set up Betty on dates with men. She is concerned about Betty's continuing anxiety about this curse. Betty has grown tired of her mom's meddling, but they still have a good relationship. She tells her mom about Alex and so mom's interference ceases for the time being.

Betty continues to fear that the curse will cause Alex's demise. It doesn't help that his job entails some dangerous situations, not to mention he enjoys rugby and camping. She is always citing him statistics about all the risky activities he enjoys, and after while her overprotectiveness becomes a problem. She becomes a bit too overprotective and this only serves to push him away.

I enjoyed the film for its many entertaining qualities, whether it's because the dialogue is humorous and witty, or because I also like to analyze stuff and crunch numbers (probably the latter is more indicative). I do fathom why many people dislike the movie. She does seem neurotic, but it's fascinating nonetheless, and she's adorable, so I wear rose colored glasses for 'Betty's Bad Luck in Love'.
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