10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Its been a while since the cinema had a romcom / chic flic and since this has been in for a while I thought it could be good - after all Glen Powell is hot ....

This was clearly constructed without any writers or anybody who had expenced any romance or comedy in their lives.

Even the LAWYERS who had to have reviewed the script should have identified 'inserting a digit into somebody's anus without consent' should perhaps not be considered acceptable to ANYBODY. Perhaps the writers had (unknown to themselves) missed something in their lives . That Hollywood released this movie without noticing this, says more about Hollywood !!

People clearly laughed at the cinema because they were nervous and uncomfortable. They stayed 'cos the cast were hot and it was polite.

The pretty people and the beautiful scenes cannot save this unmitigated disaster ! Even the Koala !Writing lines stolen from a much better writer in the sand didn't help this script. No actor on the planet could have made any of this believable.

I know some of the cast can act - I've seen most of them before. The problem here is the script, the lack of romance and lack of comedy.

Why didn't anybody tell the people who assembled this that romance is different? Is it possible that the Tinder generation have now skipped over romance to go right to 7th base??

Thankfully, I had a free ticket so I didn't spend 15 on this drivvel? Codswollap? And since I left when all that rear end expoloration finished, I didn't loose more than an hour .

There was more romance and comedy in SaltBurn !

The film version of Much Ado About Nothing (1993) has a great script, cast and score. Watch that instead !!
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