To Catch a Copper (2024– )
Clearly unbalanced and biased against the police
10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This new series sounded like it would be fascinating and I expected to see obvious cases of police misconduct or criminality which I would be appalled by, and enjoy seeing the corrupt coppers convicted. However, it very quickly became apparent that the programme makers have a very biased agenda and the facts as presented were misleading and one-sided, which is why police they accused of various things ended up being acquitted at court by a jury, and/or found not to have committed misconduct either. There was one case where the police investigators watched footage of a woman being searched, this woman was kicking out and resisting so of course she had to be restrained by a number of officers. This is what they are trained to do. The investigators acted shocked that they had to restrain her? Had they forgotten that sometimes people in custody can do harm to officers or themselves? They need to be searched, and if they resist, some degree of force is inevitably going to be needed. To me it looked nothing remarkable, and it turned out that this was indeed the case, the officers had done nothing wrong. But the investigators and programme makers wanted us to think it was some egregious act of extreme misconduct? Ridiculous. All I saw here was senior officers completely out of touch with the reality of frontline policing, who seem very eager to throw their own officers under the bus.
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