Joram (2023)
Waste of time
10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
One of the most disappointing movies I've seen in the last six months. It would have been better if the topic was used to make a short film was a short film that lasted only 15 minutes. It lacked any coherent story, failed to excite, and felt like a total waste of time. The characters were underdeveloped, the plot was virtually nonexistent, and there was little to no substance to hold onto. Overall, it left me feeling unsatisfied and wondering why I bothered watching it in the first place.

The cinematography, too, was unremarkable, failing to captivate or impress. Despite hoping for a fulfilling viewing experience, I was left with disappointment and a sense of wasted potential. It served as a stark reminder of the importance of quality storytelling and compelling filmmaking, leaving me wary of diving into similar ventures without proper research in the future.
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