Italian Peplum Swashbuckler Movie with Sergio CIANI
9 February 2024
Sergio Ciani in the fight against pirates

At some point, all the themes of antiquity were exhausted, and so film producers like Fortunato Misiano had to start pitting their muscled Peplum heroes against arsonist pirates.

In this film by Luigi Capuano, Sergio Ciani (also known as Alan Steel) plays Samson, who not only has to prevail against the Black Corsair (Andrea Aureli), but also with the dark princely advisor Rodrigo Sanchez (Piero Lulli) for the love of his life Rosita (Rosalba Neri) has to fight. This Rodrigo is so nasty that he even has Rosita's cute little half-sister kidnapped, but the brave muscle man Samson will take care of it...

So nothing new from the sword and sandal film! Rather a weak work from the almost inexhaustible series of the Italian Peplum era!
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