Review of Headshot

Headshot (II) (2016)
Diminishing returns
9 February 2024
The Raid was a revelation. Movies like that could be made! But they are hard to do, so in the end The Raid 2 was more about gangsters talking than actual fighting, yet it still had good choreography where it mattered. So people became nostalgic, started wondering whether a Raid 3 would be made. And no, it wouldn't be, for many reasons. But that didn't stop people trying to capitalize on the concept, so here we are: Headshot! If The Raid was poor man's Judge Dredd (no, I don't think one copied the other), Headshot is poor man's Jason Bourrne and yet another contender to "what would Raid 3 have been if it was made".

And it would have been fine, just like so many sequels are pale comparisons to the original, just doing your best with what you have would have been acceptable. But the very thing making you watch the movie, the fighting, sucked. I mean, even Iwo's moves were bad. And I am not dissing the man here, I know that he is a great martial artist, I am complaining about the movie making. Even with such talent, this was a boring and pointless exercise.

If you want to see a whole lot of fake blood, watch this movie. If you want to see great choreography, this is not it.
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