"I hope we know what we are doing."
9 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A certain suspension of disbelief is required to proceed with this story when the character of Sela (Denise Crosby) is introduced as the daughter of former Enterprise security chief, Natasha Yar. In the mind bending third season episode 'Yesterday's Enterprise', Yar was beamed aboard the Enterprise-C and returned to a timeline twenty three years prior in order to restore some meaning to her death in the first season episode, 'Skin of Evil'. If one accepts Sela's explanation as to her origin, then one has to consider that Natasha Yar existed as a child AND an adult at the same time, having survived a Romulan attack that destroyed the Enterprise-C. This is why time travel stories can give you a headache.

Nevertheless, this was a fairly exciting story in which Captain Picard enlists Federation assistance in leading a twenty-four strong armada to blockade the Romulans from resupplying Klingon insurgents bent on usurping Gowron's (Robert O'Reilly) new position as leader of the High Council. I was genuinely surprised by the name of one of the ships joining Picard's group, the Tian An Men. Without referencing the name, the Tiananmen Massacre occurred on June 3rd, 1989, when the Chinese government put down a lengthy student demonstration via martial law. So that was an interesting nod to a pro-freedom movement that at the time was only two years old when the show aired.

It was interesting to see Data (Brent Spiner) provide the heavy lift for the Federation by stopping three Romulan ships via a tachyon array that allowed the cloaked Romulan ships to be located. Rather than risking a major confrontation with the Federation, Commander Sela decided to stand down without delivering the needed supplies to the Duras aligned rebels, thereby bringing an end to the confrontation. With his and his brother Kurn's (Tony Todd) honor restored, Lieutenant Worf (Michael Dorn) decides against killing usurper Toral (JD Cullum), who looked rather incompetent to me, and would only have served as a pawn for the deceased Duras's sisters if their faction had been successful.
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