Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Legacy of Terror (2009)
Season 2, Episode 7
Should be scary and compelling, but it's not
7 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is the first in the series to feature zombies but still fell flat anyway. Maybe it's because zombies on their own aren't very interesting. That is to say, most bare bone tropes without any nuance added are pretty dull. There was some attempt at suspense when the clones are walking through the catacombs, but there was pretty much no build up to any of them being attacked. Without build up, there isn't a satisfying payoff. The design of the zombie geonosians also didn't inspire any fear. They have white eyes but that is about it. They didn't even behave much differently than their alive counterparts.

There is also a character conflict between Obi-Wan and Anakin in here but we've already seen it a dozen times up to this point. Obi-Wan wants to do things in a more methodical, calculated way and Anakin wants to rush in and rely on instinct. It's a compelling dichotomy but in this episode we don't really learn more about either of them through it. We do get the small tidbit that Obi-Wan's thoroughness may sometimes border on cold and aloof, but that is it.
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