A horror film
6 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is such a tough film to rate.* I had such a strong emotional response to it. I have seen many films during and about the holocaust, and it is inevitably an emotive time to reflect upon.

However, what struck me is how totally disgusted I felt. I generally find myself perceiving the smallest of glimmers of 'good' in the darkest of characters. Circumstances and experiences don't excuse actions but they can explain them and I rarely feel such visceral loathing towards anyone. The family and most of the other characters we see in this film don't immediately present as 'bad' people. But knowing what is going on only meters from their home, and watching them be completely supportive of and/or unaffected by the horrors occurring under their noses, makes them abhorrent.

The more at ease the family seemed to be, and pleasant their lifestyle, the more monstrous they became to me. It truly is a sickening experience to sit through even 20mins of ZOI. This is undoubtedly an extremely important film, and definitely a chapter in history that must be examined, condemned and forewarned by. But i also felt a little like i was watching depravity, despite the lack of violence or explicit cruelty shown. I understood very quickly that the film's approach of observing this family go about their lives in knowing or somewhat ignorant bliss was in a way more powerful than confronting the audience with torture and images of what was unseen. What isn't present in so may ways (the death and inhumane acts and shocking cruelty) is louder and more present that what plays out in front of our eyes.

Sorry. This isn't really a review or helpful, more a reactionary splurge. This is a horror film, and there is no light at all. I found no characters likeable. It is therefore a very grim watch. A 'slap in the face', reiterating how depraved humans are capable of being. I also feel even more aware of and guilty about how my own circumstances mirror the family I felt such disdain towards. The home could represent the 'West'/any society lucky enough to not be facing war or famine or floods, or living under a dictatorship. The atrocities that are currently occuring in Israel and Palestine, the Ukraine and much of the Middle East to name a few areas, could be said to parallel the suffering experienced and unseen in ZOI. I can't stop thinking about this film, and feeling constantly ill at ease whenever i get caught up in my own petty concerns or distress. Whilst not complicit in nor unaffected by the Wars and pain and fear of those living under awful regimes or in inhospitable environments, I am so so sheltered. I do carry on and indulge at times, even take for granted my privilege. The Zone of Interest highlights this greatly and I it is invaluable for doing so.

*In fact I'm finding rating films increasingly difficult because so much is about taste and does a strong emotional response mean something is 'good'. I can appreciate so many films for their content and intellect, or importance and production value, but they can leave me unmoved/satiated, or simply I found them a tedious or disappointing watch.
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