Zorro (I) (2024– )
solid 7 - will entertain
6 February 2024
If you think about it making a Zorro tv show in 2024 is no easy task, you are asking viewers to be interested in a very old legend based overseas. They pull it off , mostly.

As many have said, it starts a little wobbly in the first few episodes, but midway and to the end it lands solidly and finds its stride.

What starts of as a simple story develops into intrigue worthy of Game of Thrones. Just about everyone has an agenda or an angle. This helps to keep the viewers coming back for the next episode.

The acting is really really good, froim the main stars to supporting actors. The deaf friend that guides and helps Diego/Zorro is superb and often steals a scene. He is an amazing conveyor of emotions. Even though it's a big coincidence how many people in show know sign language. What are the odds.

The action is ok. Gun and Bow and Arrow battles tend to be more realistic, with close quarters sword fights being a bit weak, if passable. Once in a while, a stunt looks a bit goofy for half a second, physics and the action being shown not quote in sync. But it is for half a second and then recovers. John Wick choreagraphy it is not though

It is also kind of weird that the oppresed in this version tend to be exclusively native Anerican Indians of some type. In the original 1919 novel by Johnston McCullery it was both Indians and Mexicans. In the background there is also a Chinese population of some size. The changes are not good or bad, just different I guess.

Unlike the original novel Zorros love interest loves him and the Captain of the local armed forces, creating a love triangle with predictable shenanigans. But it gels into a more mature resolution towards the end, not as black and white as it seems at first. Really, we can say that for the entire show. It is now as black and white as the first few episodes make you think. Worth watching, I would rate it pg. Minimal cursing and in some episodes zero of it. No sex scenes to fast forward. Pretty family friendly.

Worth a watch.
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