Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
Had high hopes for this series! They were crushed!!
5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying I had high hopes for this series, because I am a huge fan of the movie, Mr. And Mrs. Smith. I was highly anticipating a creative new, take on the movie with the series, very much excited about the diverse casting, and hoping for an action packed series with intrigue, spy/assassin activities, and a splash of romance.

But what I saw was anything but intriguing. Can you say boring, painfully, slow, excruciating relationship bs, overshadowing a lackluster, completely horrible storyline, that was written by people that clearly hated the original movie, hate viewers and generally hate everyone.

Like why??!! Why do you make Jane and John tiny frail actors with not one muscle in sight who cannot fight and have no abilities to complete a mission in the first four episodes then all of a sudden they become these great fighters and supers spies. Say what now??

They are so naïve to the world of being a spy that they meet another spy couple and immediately allow them to come into their home just because they also are spies. Are you kidding me? Like what kind of spies are you??

Then the relationship drama, and the dysfunction in the relationship completely overtook the whole entire series from episodes 5 through 8 to the point where they were completely unwatchable and a huge waste of time.

Like where are the missions, and why would they trust you to complete these missions known that you were clearly amateurs. The original chain and Jon were the real deal and that's why they were exciting to watch because they were affective and entertaining and they handled their business like pros. Yet they were relatable and funny, and their romance was real, even though they had a ton of sect.

This was thrown together with no real spark, which was very creepy and uncomfortable to watch. They clearly had no chemistry whatsoever in the movie or in real life. And therefore this couple is unbelievable, and should have just been coworkers. On top of that who wants to root for their relationship we were not invested whatsoever. Because we didn't see any redeeming qualities from either of them. They were awkward and hard to watch. And no one was rooting for them at all. The only person I was rooting for was Jon's mom to make sure that she was safe and OK.

And, let's address the counseling sessions. They should've been simply sprinkled throughout the series. Why would you instead create full episodes of the short series surrounded by the counseling sessions then make the action inspire activities, simply flashbacks that reiterate, the relationship drama.

That was an unwise move and so far away from the original series that did not focus on the relationship, but focused on the spy piece. Then the relationship took over because it was so intriguing. This was trying to force this dry unbelievable, and entertaining relationship down our throat. It was very gross to watch.

Then why? Why? Why in the world would you set that woman's house on fire because she recorded the sessions. Like a spy that doesn't read the fine print as to what you signed when you join the sessions? Like, who wrote this? This was very poor Writing to the point where it seemed amateur.

I mean, I totally just wanted to throw the TV listening to this couple squabble for entire episodes. Did you understand that these TV series is supposed to entertain the audience not annoy them to no end? Was that not understood when you took the job of writing? Did you understand that these TV series is supposed to entertain the audience not annoy them to no end? Was that not understood when you took the job of writing this series?

The episodes did not build on one. Another, were not cohesive, and the character development was nonexistent. Who were these characters and why were they even here? We know nothing of substance about them, and we're at the result, uninvested.

The conflict did not even make sense, and the ending where you finally bring in hints from the movie when it came to this big showdown of them trying to unalive each other was completely Out of left field. We had no understanding of what constitutes the couple being eliminated, why Jane was the star and Jon was the problematic spy who couldn't cut it. Like excuse me? Who came up with that idea? Jane all of a sudden can beat up grown men , with one hand tied behind her back, while Jon could barely complete a mission without Jane stepping in. suck.

Then you try to insert elements of diversity by bringing John around his black friends, or peers only for Jane to step in and ruin every situation and feel personally attacked. Are you kidding me?

This made her even more unlikable and was painful to watch. Overall, this was completely awful writing, boring acting, and unrealistic and awful execution. And on top of that the soundtrack to these episodes were so bad and weird, that I had to mute my TV for long periods of time.

Like way to push further garbage down our throats with this.

I think one star is generous for this bs because the first episode was decent. It could've been funny, clever, and unique. But ended up being a total flop and waste of time.

Please hire some actual writers who understand, audiences, genres, plot, And story. Because these writers clearly wanted to write a romance novel and make it into an action series. Stop it. This was completely awful!!
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