The Blacklist: The Director (No. 24) (2016)
Season 3, Episode 9
Ooof Terrible
5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Despite being so highly rated I was surprised this episode was such a letdown. Everything was so silly and anticlimactic. Just very low quality writing.

Nothing much actually happens except they cut the air off to Liz and Ressler and Tom have to fight off 30 guys inside a cabin. The air thing was maybe the sillier of the two, their base is filled with FBI agents and personnel, but when they mess with the air supply they can't send techs or more SWAT guys to check into it? And I mean, the CIA shows up, it's not a CIA installation, why not just claim you're hazy on the law and you'll have to wait until a court resolves the situation and then have the dozen guys with machine guns show them out? It all feels so silly and small, they only have enough set for Aram to stand in front of the cage and yell at Liz to keep breathing. Such a sad disappointment.

Then there was the cabin fight. They could have just thrown hand grenades in there and blown them all up and be done. But instead they ran in one by one, ninja style, and they got shot. Or something. And then they didn't kill Solomon, because Tom and Cooper were like clutching their pearls over it. The least sensical thing in an nonsensical episode. Literally, if your life depended on it, you could not explain what happened in that scene where Ressler doesn't kill Solomon. You'd die. It's literally impossible.

And then the episode ends, that's all that happens.
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