1990: The Bronx Warriors (1982)
4 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Cult Cuts Volume 52 (Return to the Video Store: Post-Apocalyptic Warriors and Intergalactic Adventurers Part One)

#4/4: 1990: The Bronx Warriors (1982)

(8/10): Dumb, yes, but a lot more easy to follow than Raiders of Atlantis.

1990: The Bronx Warriors is about, Trash, a gang leader of one of the several gangs in The Bronx, which has been deemed "No Man's Land".

Trash finds a young woman, Ann, who has fled her rich life in Manhattan as she is being controlled and forced into situations that she doesn't want to be in by her family, who he vows to protect.

Her father soon has a hired gun go in after her to retrieve her and kill anyone who tries to get in his way, however he has ties with the Bronx and is also known for being a one track minded chaotic man who just wants to destroy everything so after he falls through her father sends a squadron in after her.

Trash now having formed an alliance with The Ogre, another gang leader, must battle their way through a group of armed soldiers to protect Ann and escape with their lives, but will they succeed?

The first in a trilogy of cash in films on Escape from New York as well as also probably taking some notes from the Mad Max movies as they were another film that started the wave of Actionsploitation films that mainly stemmed from Italy. This first effort is actually pretty solid.

Directed by Enzo G. Castellari and even having cult actor Fred "The Hammer" Williamson as The Ogre, this film has a fair bit going for it.

I don't want to compare but, Raiders of Atlantis is pretty much the only reference point I have on these films thus far, so yeah it's tough not to.

The biggest thing here is that the action is more well executed and the story is especially much easier to follow and even believable than Raiders. The addition of Fred Williamson is just bonus points at this point.

The action sequences are much more fun as we have a Decapitation, The Ogre has a female cohort that has a whip, we also get flamethrowers, and a satisfying final blow with a grappling hook shot right through our antagonists stomach.

The costumes are also very fun, we get some of the typical post apocalyptic punk looks but then atop of that we also get flashy glam versions of the top hat and cane look from A Clockwork Orange, The Ogre looks more like he's in the Disco Era, The Ogre's female cohort, or Witch as she is aptly titled, has black leather getup with knee high black boots and a black silk cape giving her a bit of a dominatrix look to go nicely with her whip, there's some nice almost shinobi like red and black, sword wielding thugs and flamethrower police officers on horseback. Needless to say there's a solid amount of variety in the costume department.

The character of Trash, while not stellar, he does pull a solid and believable character arc and the actor does a suitable job at portraying him.

It's a strong start to a trilogy that, when boiled down to its core is just a cash in, so it being as good as it is for what it is, is worth a recommendation.
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