Baghead (2023)
4 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the short film of the same name, the trailer for this scary movie looked relatively good, there was a small part of me that thought it might be ridiculous, but I kind of like those kinds of films, I was prepared to go to the cinema to see it. Basically, in Berlin, Germany, in a run-down English pub, The Queen's Head, a man (Jeremy Irvine) enters and gives the owner Owen Lark (Peter Mullan) an envelope of money to "see her", but he refuses to take it and sends her away. Owen then records a video of himself with a warning before he pours petrol in the basement. But he is killed when the petrol is ignited, and he is engulfed in the flames. Sometime later, Owen's estranged daughter Iris (The Witcher's Freya Allan) learns that she has inherited the run-down pub that is centuries old. She travels to Berlin to identify her father's body and meet with The Solicitor (Ned Dennehy) to discuss the estate. Little does she know, signing the deed with the specific pen means she has become inextricably tied to the pub and everything it contains. With nowhere to go following her eviction from her flat, Iris decides to stay in the pub. She is startled when the man, Neil, returns wanting to see "the woman in the basement", offering her £1,000, but she makes an excuse so he will leave, and he says he will return with more money. Iris is eventually joined by her best friend Katie (Ruby Barker) who wants to help her. Iris talks about Neil and his offer to go into the basement, saying that the money will help her. Accompanied by Katie, and having found the key to the door, Iris agrees to take £2,000 for Neil to enter the basement. There is a room in the basement with a chair and a large hole in the wall. Soon from the darkness appears a shape-shifting creature wearing a bag on its head, Baghead (Anne Müller). The creature has the ability to summon the dead using an ornament belonging to the deceased. Neil, wanting to speak to his dead wife, ties the creature to the chair and gives it a ring that he presumes belonged to his wife. The creature instead transforms into Neil's long-dead mother, Regina (Julika Jenkins), the original owner of the ring, who committed suicide years ago. After a couple of minutes of talking, Regina's spirit becomes horrible and tries to attack Neil before he gets Iris to put the bag back on the creature's head. Iris realises that she has some control over the creature. Neil tells them he is willing to pay them to come back to try again to speak to his wife. After he leaves, Iris and Katie watch the VHS video warning left by Owen. He explains that the creature allows two minutes to speak to a dead person. But he warns that it cannot leave the basement and that no-one can enter the hole in the wall. They make sure to keep the basement door locked. Katie is against allowing Iris to let Neil return and the consequences of exploiting the creature's ability, but Iris insists that she needs the money for a future. Neil returns and has found a necklace belonging to his wife, this time he is successful with summoning the ghost of his wife, Catherine (Saffron Burrows). What starts as a meaningful conversation turns into Neil demanding to know who Catherine was having an affair with. Catherine refuses to answer before the two-minute timer rings and the creature returns to form. Wanting to know the history of the pub, Katie starts investigating its history and archives, discovering several of its past owners have died in mysterious circumstances. While Iris goes to see Neil at his house to talk about his wife, Katie returns to the pub and decides to use Baghead and summon the spirit of a previous dead owner, Otto Vogler (Felix Römer). He cannot give a clear answer on how to end the nightmare. Later, Iris ignores Owen's warning not to bring him back from the dead, but she must know how to stop the creature. Owen does not help her and transforms back into Baghead, knocking her unconscious and dragging Katie into the hole in the wall. Iris eventually wakes up and breaks the rule of entering the hole in the wall, after hearing Katie calling for help. She travels through the various passages, eventually finds Katie, and tries to bring her out. But then she notices the corpse of the real Katie; the creature reveals itself and attacks her. Neil suddenly arrives and saves Iris, they go to the roof together and have an argument about using the creature any further until he inadvertently pushes Iris to her death. He is forced to bring Iris back from the dead, using Baghead, but in doing so, he unintentionally causes the creature to permanently take over her soul and body, because the curse was contracted, and Iris as the lone owner remaining is dead. Baghead, as Iris, kills Neil and sets fire to the basement and the pub, and walks out to an unknown fate. Also starring Svenja Jung as Sarah. Allan gives a reasonable performance as the young woman in desperate circumstances trying to control the dark secret in the basement, and reliable Mullan gets his time as her estranged father who tried to end the terror, I almost wish Burrows had been on a little longer. It is a simplistic enough story, a monster that transforms into dead people to communicate for a few moments, I will agree it might be repetitive at times, an idea in a short film perhaps overstretched, and it is not the scariest stuff, but it is nervy enough that it kept me interested, not a terrible supernatural horror. Okay!
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