The Dead Pit (1989)
Passable, if you are a hardcore horror genre fan...
2 February 2024
"The Dead Pit" is done well enough to warrant it's absence from category of bad movies, but it's clearly a cheesy movie and in lot of ways an over the top movie. There is a lot of gore (and some cool practical effects at that) and our heroine walks scantily clad in numerous scenes (although the actress claimed that was result of a mistake in an interview, since apparently her clothes got smaller through washing). Seriously, Cheryl Lawson is so hot in this movie and has such a marvellous figure that I thought she was adult actress at some point in her life. Other than that, I must say that performances are OK and even if in some cases they aren't, it's obvious these people were giving their best. Christian's character sticks out among the crowd and makes for a decent sidekick. All in all, "The Dead Pit" is far from the worst horror movie ever, but the horror aspect of it is weak and isn't even creepy. Still, the movie manages to be entertaining for horror movie fans and Cheryl Lawson is gorgeous, so if you are OK with that, watch it and enjoy yourself. Everybody else looking for a hidden gem, you won't find it here... 6/10!
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