Bio-Dome (1996)
Funnier than what I remembered but on the whole still not a very good movie watchable and mildly amusing at best
2 February 2024
Pauly Shore seems to be making a comeback in early 2024.

Having released a short film in which he played Richard Simmons, I was pleasantly surprised that Shore actually showed some signs of talent.

I feel he could crank up the energy a bit as Simmons but his short film was effective and heartfelt and I would like to see it developed into a full movie.

Even if he doesn't get an Oscar for it I still think he could make an effective comeback as a dramatic actor and be successful at it as Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler proved they could be.

Regardless of what your opinion of Pauly Shore is that he's a bad actor who is annoying and made bad movies which most people seem to think, I still have a real soft spot for Son In Law.

I think a lot of that is because it was actually filmed in my hometown but honestly Shore did have some of his Weasel charm and the movie was just a lot of fun. I love to watch it every Thanksgiving.

In the Army Now was ok too but was basically a very rushed PG version of Stripes and lacked originality. Still I have a smaller soft spot for it and it made me laugh a little.

Jury Duty I would just like to pretend never existed and any likability Shore showed in the other two films and Encino Man was gone with that horribly unfunny mess.

Then the following year we for Bio-Dome which I had seen once or twice before and remembered it being just as bad as Jury Duty.

I rewatched it tonight because it was free with ads on YouTube and my friend likes the movie and since Shore is making headlines again I wanted to see if I was missing something.

The movie to be sure has a lot of problems. While Shore and co-star Stephen Baldwin made me laugh occasionally they also had plenty of moments they genuinely annoyed me.

Same for Joey Lawrence Adams as Shore's girlfriend but only in this movie I say that about. I genuinely enjoyed her in Big Daddy and felt she had much better chemistry with Adam Sandler than here with Shore.

Also the movie has a few moments that legitimately grossed me out. I think Shore and the filmmakers were trying to re-create the gross out comedy that Dumb and Dumber made so popular only two years earlier but that at least had a bit more likable leads and a funnier story.

William Atherton, Taylor Negron and Henry Gibson add some bonuses in supporting roles. Negron has a hilarious bit re-creating his pizza guy role from Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

But the movie as a whole is just all over the place and doesn't seem to know what it wants to be.

Dumb and Dumber was a little bit that way too but the situations were funnier and Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels while annoying at times were also just a lot more likable. And the gross out humor didn't wear out it's welcome as it did here.

This killed Pauly Shore's cinematic career and he hasn't done a lead in a theatrical film since.

I still think he can make a good comeback and show potential as an actor but he needs solid Scripts and direction and neither were evident here.

Still I laughed a little so if you want to get a few laughs and nothing more and turn off your brain after a long day stream this on YouTube.

As it stands I think Shore was much better in his previous films with the exception of Jury Duty.

This is one step above Jury which is the botttom of the barrel Shore but his other movies were funnier and had more charm.

Check out his earlier works first and then save this for last is my advice.

I hope you can make a good movie for your comeback Pauly. I'm sure you can but pay better attention to your scripts and don't just simply make a movie to get back in the spotlight. Really shine and make a special comeback Richard Simmons drama. I know you can do it.
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