Better than anticipated
31 January 2024
I went into this with low expectations. There was an intriguing concept and tons of potential. It's the basic ff setup where they showcase why they'll be filming everything. The characters are YouTubers who take off into the woods to debunk an urban legend. They do a short interview with someone who Claims he's done what they're about to and made it out. This bit foreshadows the fate of the YouTubers and does nothing to deter them. I will say that even if they don't believe the legend that there's a real possibility that people may have been hopelessly lost in the woods and they themselves will probably be there most of the day without complications and prepare nothing. I won't say anymore about what happens so I don't spoil it. Towards the end the storyline starts to fall apart. Fortunately it ends as one would expect and gives closure.. of sorts. While this isn't a perfect movie I consider it a little gem and worth a watch.
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