The Puppetman (2023)
So very, very boring...
30 January 2024
Of course I hadn't heard about the 2023 movie titled "The Puppetman" prior to sitting down to watch it. I was fortunate enough to stumble upon it here in 2024 by random chance, and with it being a horror movie that I hadn't already seen, of course I had to check it out.

Now, I said I was 'fortunate enough' above, which might be an overstatement, because I found the storyline in "The Puppetman" to be rather dull, slow paced and mundane. Writers Brandon Christensen, Ryan Christensen and Matt Manjourides put together a script and storyline that failed to entertain me. And it was a very, very generic attempt at a horror movie, cashing in on stereotypical horror tropes.

I was not familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie, which was actually something that worked well in favor of the movie, despite of it being a rather dull viewing experience. The acting performances in the movie were fair enough, taking into consideration that the actors and actresses virtually had nothing worthwhile to work with.

Visually then you're not in for any grand treat here. The movie doesn't make much use of special effects, for better or worse.

"The Puppetman" was a massive swing and a miss in terms of entertaining me, and this is definitely not a horror movie that I will ever return to watch a second time. Nor is it a movie that I will recommend to horror fans, because it just simply isn't worth spending 96 minutes on watching.

My rating of director Brandon Christensen's 2023 horror movie "The Puppetman" lands on a generous three out of ten stars.
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