It's Snoop. What did some of y'all expect? Disney?!?!
29 January 2024
It's Mighty Ducks as told by Snoop Dogg... brought to you by Raisin Canes. It never once claimed to be a kids movie. I see people literally stating they got offended and didn't make it past the opening credits. This movie wasn't made for you. In fact, you should just listen to the song they walk out to at halftime during the last game, because it's talking about you: "Little B-A-P-A-B's"

The message and theme of the story is actually pretty straightforward and heartfelt. Once his character gets through the first act of being a washed up, selfish primadonna, our hero goes through a clear - albeit predictable - character arc. Some of the humor is actually pretty self-aware and dare I say - funny... They weren't going for an Oscar here. It's just a 90 minute junk food movie with a decent message shrouded behind adult language and humor. If you don't like it, whatever. But anyone giving it a 1/10 simply because it lives up to what it promises within the first 2 seconds of pressing play is a total B-A-P-A-B.
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