Great movie, though sometimes unintentionally funny and too melodramatic.
28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I won't talk about the movie for too long, but it's another great Godzilla film and it's encouraging to see a stronger focus on theming in Godzilla films once again. I don't know if it was better than Shin Godzilla, but definitely one of the strongest Godzilla films.

The focus on the characters and narrative was very strong in the film and it's plot is structured in a more traditional sense where there is this wonderful thing called "themes", "motifs" and "morals" being told throughout the film instead of shamelessly ignoring some of the most important elements of good storytelling. That being said, the movie still has some goofy Godzilla moments, such as the way Godzilla is defeated.

Small flaws: The ending is a little goofy. The entire premise of the ending relies on the audience forgetting that ejector seats are a thing that exists. The whole third act I was thinking "Yeah, just use an ejector seat. It's a modern plane. It will have that." so when it actually happens it is played off as a big reveal but it comes across as almost comical as to how obvious it is and anticlimatic the concept is. That being said, overall, the ending is a much better version of what Finn's character arc was in The Last Jedi and I applaud them for basically showing Star Wars how The Last Jedi's themes should've been presented.

The other issue I have with the film is that Godzilla moves VERY poorly when on land and is sometimes framed/composed poorly. I heard so many people being amazed how this movie has "better CGI than modern Hollywood" when that is CLEARLY not the case. The CGI looks like 2005-2007 video game cut-scenes, which is fine due to the low budget, but people praising the effects of this movie don't know what they are talking about. What is most important is the framing of Godzilla, which is generally quite effective, but the actual animation itself isn't very good (again, understandably so due to the budget).

All in all, good film. Worth the watch.
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