This one's a lot; maybe almost too much.
28 January 2024
I think watching Shaw Brothers movies is a bit like doing martial arts; if you go a while without practice, you lose the progress and skills you built up. I went on a binge of the studio's movies early last year, then went away for a bit, and now I'm back, feeling out of shape and out of breath trying to keep up with Legendary Weapons of China.

It could be partly or wholly on me, but I'm also open to the idea that this one might just be a bit much. It throws many characters and concepts (voodoo, invulnerable warriors, mistaken identities, disguises, magic, etc) at you so quickly; I was confused from the start and just got more confused as I went on.

Now, a confusing plot hasn't got in the way of me really enjoying martial arts movies before, but I was also confused during various fight scenes in Legendary Weapons of China. It's hard to get a handle on how some of the fantasy elements work, and who has the power to do what, and with the usual fast pacing and feeling that everything is slightly sped up (not just in the fight scenes either, unusually; I think that added to the confusion for me), I couldn't keep up.

Now, if that's on me (and I'm sure at least some of it is), I can't call this terrible. There is at least the ability to admire its ambition and unique qualities, even if those things did make me lose track of the things I'd usually enjoy. And the final fight scene did redeem things in my eyes a little. It downplays the crazy magic stuff to mostly just be a one-on-one fight that goes on for a while and involves many different weapons, and it was easily the most impressive sequence from a stunt/choreography perspective.

This is the kind of film where anyone who can keep up is likely to have a blast, but for whatever reason, tonight, it was just a little too much too fast for me personally. Gotta get back to my Shaw Brothers training regime, maybe...
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