Not funny :/
28 January 2024
Kevin James IS funny! He is. I mean, KOQ, Paul Blart (the first one) and other movies, he can be very funny. He's got it in him. But this standup thing? Nah, it's not for him.

His jokes/schtick just isn't funny on a stage. The jokes don't land and some of them go on waaaaayyyyy toooooooo looooonnngggg. Like the deer joke. I already knew what it was going to be when I saw the audience that he was about to do his act for. That told me all I needed to know but I still watched anyway because I thought it would still have some good stuff in there. Nope. Didn't happen.

It was like watching a live action version of Kevin Can Wait. Un-funny and forced. Kevin, give this up, put your wig and shorts back on and give us another season or two of KOQ. Doug Half-A-Man is your lane. Not standup. Please don't do anymore standup. Don't standup but instead, sit down.
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