Karin's Face (1986)
24 January 2024
Included in the 1979 Farrow Archive CC collection with DANIEL.

This movie is a blend of old photographs of faces gazing at the viewer with a piano soundtrack that is already sad to the point of being eerie.

I think it's very difficult to find any trace of a narrative in the film, so I think we can focus all our attention on the gaze that is constructed by the reproduced faces of the images. Watching this movie made me begin to wonder about the role of the gaze in cinema, where all the gazes from Lacan onwards are constructed from an imaginary object a that is inscribed by a subject who has lost the previous one. And the cinematic image allows this object a to fill this absence by being temporarily active in the frame of the gaze, which can also bring an unexpected surprise, on the one hand we can feel this panic of our life with the other being filled with the imaginary, but on the other hand how pale and fleeting this gaze is, we immediately feel a second loss, but the movie is But the movie goes on, we know that the Other is still there, maybe outside the picture or in another image space, at least he is still there, until the movie ends, a dream is aborted, and we are once again back in the real world!
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