Review of The Painter

The Painter (I) (2024)
Complete And Utter Drivel
22 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This has got to be one of the worst films I have ever watched. It looks like it was filmed by a monkey with a Nokia 3310 and has neither a beginning, middle or end. The whole film makes zero sense and there is absolutely no explanation as to why any of the characters are doing what they are doing.

The main character is the equivalent to ordering Jason Bourne off of Etsy and I'm pretty sure Jon Voight shot his agent after agreeing to this abomination of a film, well saying that judging by the way he was waving his gun about at the ground but still managing to shoot highly trained spec ops troops in the head from 500m with a 9mm pistol I would imagine the agent would've died from embarrassment long before he managed to shoot him.

Steer clear of this snooze fest at all costs.
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