Really Solid Start to Season 25
20 January 2024
There was lots of hype going in, this being the landmark 25th season and all. Plus the Law and Orders were among the first shows back with new episodes after the long Hollywood strikes, and fans were restless.

The episode -- about a missing teen unwittingly enmeshed in the perverse desires of a creepy nerd-crowd -- delivered on lots of levels, including discussion about Olivia's fabled compass, a gift from Stabler in last year's OC's finale.

Show did a time jump, hewing close to real life and opening with the Baptism of the new Rollisi baby, now acknowledged to be 6 months old.

Love seeing Rollins back, even if it will only be as a guest star for now and Hargitay sure looks great after whatever transformation she went under during the last couple of years. More power to her.

Kevin Kane as Bruno continues to be fantastic, though praying Benson does not take in that stray cop from Bergen County. She's not needed. The squad is great the way it is!
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