The Sea Beast (2022)
How to Train Your Dragon at home
20 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what the director was thinking trying to copy HTTYD and make a more lazy version of it on top of that. His past films such as Frozen, Zootopia, and Moana all feel like their own films.

For a movie that's almost 2 hours long, the story does nothing for the first half hour. And the third act is full of things happening for no reason, including Maisie injuring herself just like Hiccup and the Captain remorselessly trying to kill his son. And then movie ends with a deus ex machina because Maisie is a God who can do no wrong.

I think there is something else they could've done with this idea to make it a bit less generic. One example would be to make the two main characters both somewhat wrong and that the creatures don't actively harm people, but they may harm the resources and/or environment of the world, which sparked the fight between them and the humans. Instead, the reason that caused the war was never explained. It also would've given our main characters some more flaws and character to work with.

Maisie gave off a lot of precocious, sassy child vibes that made me cringe. She's a bit arrogant, yet she's somehow smarter than any of the adults and takes up all of the spotlight, so she qualifies as a Mary-Sue. The only somewhat decent characters in the cast are Captain Crow and Jacob, they bounce off the more idealistic characters like Maisie well. And Blue is adorable, even though we never find out where he came from.

One thing I will praise is the animation. It's not Spiderverse levels of groundbreaking, but it did have a style to set it apart from other animated films.
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